Monday, February 29, 2016

Well, it’s a lept year. I know that it is called a Leap Year, but darn, working an extra day for the same pay somehow seems like getting dittled. You know what I mean?

More range fires. Small ones, thanks to the volunteer FD. Our group has little P/U trucks with tanks. They’re fast and can still go through the fences as needed. They zipped by the place several times over the weekend and pulled a number of civilian trucks along behind.

If you answer the call and miss the trucks, you follow in your POV. It was good to see the turn out. No one ever took the big rig tanker out, so I assume the ponds supported the crews.

Speaking of small trucks. Here’s one for you:

City re-employs man who drove 1-ton truck over Heartland Park Topeka pedestrian bridge, causing its collapse

2 hours ago

That took place up around the State Capital. I wonder how surprised that guy was; both when the thing collapsed under him and again when he got his job back. And maybe I’d question his drivers license – Humm?

Some one tried to enter the shop via window the other night. Broke the window frame and left some jimmy marks. I’m mulling the cameras and the police. Nothing was taken apparently. Just some minor property damage that needed fixing this summer. I have several jobs like that on he to-do list.

And it is getting warm enough to breakout the hammer and get with it.


From the reaches,

Ten Whiskey

About tenwhiskey

User tenwhiskey is also the author of this blog. He currently lives in small town Kansas in a semi-retired condition. His kids are married and gone (thank you). An empty nester. Divorced. Very happy with life as it is. Ten Mile maintains a personal blog here, writing of events as they appear to him; commentary, and opinions abound. He deviates into fiction as the mood strikes and creates flash fiction stories and short stories. He will not warn the reader when he drifts from fact to fiction. He feels adults are, generally, smart enough to figure out which is which. He does, however, attempt to make his fiction sound as true to life as possible. You have been warned. He, as time permits, writes and occasionally sells writing. More often than not he gives it away to various non-paying publishers of Ether Magazines, forums or for entertainment on a wall for in need of a hand friends. He likes candy, pies and a certain amount of strife. In the matter of strife - in his yourth on the farm, he became embroiled in a slinging fight. The fight involved lath as a launcher, fresh cow patties as ammo and it was a six way free for all. A little mud only adds (Umm?) a certain taste to life.
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