Monday, January 02, 2011

Kansas town will hold state’s first election that requires IDs at polls

Springfield News-Leader – ‎4 hours ago‎

AP The law that took effect Sunday lists eight forms of photo ID that will be valid at the polls, including a driver’s license, a state identification card, a military ID or a state permit to carry a concealed handgun.

Embolden mine. I think that’s pretty neat, even if I’d never considered a concealed carry handgun permit as a State ID card. ‘Tis, however, isn’t it.


And just to prove to myself the government is both persistent and whatever else one can call it, the idea of Green is almost as silly (except for the idea it curtails the frivolous spending by individuals) climate warming and carbon debt, there is this:

Transportation officials explore possible passenger rail expansion in Kan

Washington Post – ‎15 hours ago‎

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Expanding passenger rail service through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas would cost the federal and state governments hundreds of millions of dollars, according to a recently released study that looked at several proposals for

which is probably an extension of the high speed rail concept the current White House holder is spouting.

Rails lose – as long as the government spends money on roads trucks will be used over rail, except for gross point to gross point.

Interstate trucking will cease when milk trains come back, which will be when the economy shrinks to rural environments again and the super highways shrink to two lanes. That is one of the reasons the super ways evolved, besides the military needs.

We don’t have the manufacturing base once required to justify all the rails, although the PAX hauling the airlines now do might justify the creation of high speed rail if the population continues to centralize.

Bah. Beyond this feeble mind. Just feel, somehow, high speed rail is as good an idea as subways in a high threat earthquake area.


photoshare Red Dawn Williams OR Doesiedoats


And today I get to watch Bowl games – having watched the Pros yesterday. This past season has been a strange one as far as lop-sided scoring goes. It seems all the games on my TV have been seventy to zero (in a manner of speaking). Few close games.

It’s often bothered me, mildly to be sure, watching all the college games to consider the numbers of players fielded and the numbers of players that will actually make the Pro circuits.

The thought of all those college players (who may or may not be) on scholarships not necessarily getting an education and the money the schools are receiving. What bothers me there is the calls I hear for paying the college players, and thinking that if one gives the players money, then they should be able to pay for their schooling – i.e. no scholarships.

Just a thought. Because it seems to me their scholarships IS a payment – in the larger scheme of things other students do pay (Well, if they repay the government subsidy).


From the reaches,

Ten Mile

About tenwhiskey

User tenwhiskey is also the author of this blog. He currently lives in small town Kansas in a semi-retired condition. His kids are married and gone (thank you). An empty nester. Divorced. Very happy with life as it is. Ten Mile maintains a personal blog here, writing of events as they appear to him; commentary, and opinions abound. He deviates into fiction as the mood strikes and creates flash fiction stories and short stories. He will not warn the reader when he drifts from fact to fiction. He feels adults are, generally, smart enough to figure out which is which. He does, however, attempt to make his fiction sound as true to life as possible. You have been warned. He, as time permits, writes and occasionally sells writing. More often than not he gives it away to various non-paying publishers of Ether Magazines, forums or for entertainment on a wall for in need of a hand friends. He likes candy, pies and a certain amount of strife. In the matter of strife - in his yourth on the farm, he became embroiled in a slinging fight. The fight involved lath as a launcher, fresh cow patties as ammo and it was a six way free for all. A little mud only adds (Umm?) a certain taste to life.
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